Huamiao Research Institute

Research Institute

Focus on formula development, efficacy evaluation, safety evaluation, and market analysis for skincare and beauty products.

Huamiao Research Institute

Huamiao Research Institute is a large-scale cosmetics research and development platform that operates independently. It is led by Professor Li Haihang from the School of Life Sciences at South China Normal University and has hired Academician Jin Yong from the Chinese Academy of Engineering as the chief consultant. The company is located in Jinfa Creative Park, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, and has a practical area of 3000m². The total investment is 20 million yuan.

The R&D center primarily focuses on formula development, efficacy evaluation, and safety evaluation of skincare, washing, home care, makeup, medical beauty, and mother and baby products. It also conducts market trend analysis and exploration of consumer demand.

Six Research Centers

Cosmetics Application Center

Cosmetics Application Center

Physical & Chemistry Testing Center

Sensory Evaluation Center

Fundamental R&D Center

Cosmetics Fanction Evaluation Center

Cosmetics Safety Evaluation Center

Top R&D Team

The R&D team at Huamiao Research Institute currently consists of over 80 people, with plans to expand to over 100 people. The team is led by Dr. Li Haihang and includes 5 doctoral students and 12 master’s students. More than 80% of the team members hold a bachelor’s degree.

Dr. Li Haihang
Dean of the Research Institute

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, and Director of the Guangdong Botanical Society at the School of Life Sciences, South China Normal University. Additionally, he serves as the Deputy Director of the Pharmaceutical Engineering Professional Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Society and leads the Targeted Drug Research Special Group.

Research field: Plant chemistry and molecular biology
Research direction: Natural and biochemical drugs

He has published dozens of Chinese and English papers and applied for 6 patents. Over the years, he has been involved in the extraction and separation of bioactive substances, studying their structure and function, developing products, cloning functional genes, conducting microbial and plant research, and exploring molecular traditional Chinese medicine. His focus has been on screening and preparing natural and biochemical drugs, studying the structure and activity of functional proteins, expressing genes through genetic engineering, and comprehensively developing and utilizing biological resources. He has more than 20 years of experience in overseas study and research.

Academician Jin Yong
General Technical Advisor

CAE Member Chemical Engineering Expert, Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering of Tsinghua University,
Dean of the Institute of Chemical Science and Technology

Published over 400 academic papers, 10 monographs, co-authored textbooks and monographs, and obtained over 30 technical patents. Received the HJID Huayi Jike Jie Award and was awarded the “Top 10 Figures in China’s Petroleum and Chemical Industry during the 12th Five Year Plan”, as well as the Engineering Award at the 11th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award.

Research direction:

  • Multiphase fluid dynamics
  • Heat and mass transfer
  • Reaction kinetics modeling
  • Reactor analysis, design, and development of high-speed fluidization (including fluidization technologies such as turbulent bed, circulating bed, and downflow bed)
  • Clean chemical process
  • Coupling of chemical reactions and reaction separation processes
  • Powder technology, including ultrafine powder synthesis, coating modification, drying, mixing, and pneumatic conveying
  • Ecological Industrial Engineering and Industrial Ecological Park Planning.

Cooperative institutions

Huamiao Research Institute has established extensive collaborations multiple universities and institutes

Huamiao Research Institute has established extensive collaborations with:
1. Sun Yat-sen University
2. Shanghai University of Applied Technology
3. South China University of Technology
4. Jinan University
5. Guangdong Institute of Microbiology.

These collaborations involve the introduction of resources from various universities and research institutes to facilitate industrial transformation. This includes the recruitment of 2-5 doctoral students and collaborations with major hospitals in the field of dermatology and efficacy evaluation.